报告人简介:李科,湖南师范大学数学与计算机科学学院教授、博士生导师,厦门大学能源经济与能源政策协同创新中心研究员,长沙理工大学电价研究中心研究员,首届“国际清洁能源拔尖创新人才培养项目”入选者。在Applied Energy、China Economic Review、Energy、Energy Economics、Energy Policy等国际SSCI、SCI期刊发表论文近 30 篇;4 篇论文入选 ESI 热点/高被引论文;科研论文 Impact of energy conservation policies on the green productivity in China’s manufacturing sector 获得 2017 年度Award for most cited energy article from China(中国区共入选 28 篇),担任Applied Energy, Carbon Management, China Economic Review, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of the Total Environment, Sustainability, Technological Forecasting & Social Change等期刊审稿人。